Private rented accommodation

Through our Horizon 2020-funded SAVES 2 project (which is running from 2017-2020), we have been providing energy saving information and advice focused on private rented accommodation. From our Homes Fit For Study research we found that students often felt uncomfortably cold in their homes, and struggled to pay their bills, affecting both their physical and mental health. Following the conclusion of SAVES 2, we would like to continue and build on this work post-funding as an addition for new or existing Student Switch Off programmes.

Included in the bolt-on:

  • Online advice throughout the year, specifically aimed at students in the private rented sector (this is included as a standard to previous SSO participants)
  • Training for students living in the private rented sector, with practical tips on sustainability issues in the home including saving money on bills, smart meters and changing energy providers
  • Additional advice session during house hunting period on how to look for energy efficient properties
  • Engagement with university and/or union house hunting/student advice teams where relevant, providings comms, advice, national networking calls


Private sector bolt on: £1,376 (+VAT)