Other opportunities

Expand your understanding, knowledge and skills; start a project; connect with inspiring folk wanting to change the world!

UK Student Climate Network (UKSCN)

UK Student Climate Network (UKSCN) is a group of mostly under 18s but older students too taking to the streets to protest the government’s lack of action on the Climate Crisis. They have organised over hundreds of demonstrations, including the September 2019 Global Climate Strike that saw over 300,000 people take to the streets across the UK. Visit their website by clicking here to find out how you can take action with them, such as organising local climate strikes, lobbying the government for education reform or campaigning for a Green New Deal. 

If you are particularly interested in campaigning to repurpose the education system around the climate emergency and ecological crisis then visit the Teach the Future website by clicking here. This is a joint campaign between SOS-UK and UKSCN. 

Join your university or college People & Planet group 

People & Planet is the largest student network in the UK campaigning for social and environmental justice with over 50 groups at universities and colleges across the UK. They plan hard hitting and creative campaigns, raising awareness of issues and then organising visual stunts, mass protests and direct action to achieve their goals.

UK Youth Climate Coalition 

There are some excellent and varied opportunities here. The UK Youth Climate Coalition is one of the most exciting, innovative, energised and passionate organisations campaigning on climate change in the UK and around the world. They are an organisation entirely made of young people (18-29) based in the UK who volunteer their time to fight climate change issues.

Students for Trees

Get involved in Students for Trees to protect, enhance and celebrate woods and trees on our campuses. 

Online courses about climate change by 350.org

Each online skill-up uses interactive activities and multimedia to teach you skills you can use on organizing, movement-building, and climate change. Courses include: intro and advanced campaigning, causes of climate change, how to have climate change conversations, movements, divestment, and much more!

Your students' union

Go to your college or university’s students’ union webpage to check what sustainability campaigns, initiatives and societies are running that you can get involved with. Alternatively, contact your SU staff if there is an idea that you have.  You can also get in touch with the sustainability team or department at your university or college.