The laboratory toolkit was designed by Dan Smith, their sustainable labs officer and several lab based staff to make the toolkit as specific as possible to their working environment. 18 teams have signed up so far and are working elusively on the labs based toolkit.
To recruit these new teams Dan has been attending department meeting, face to face walk arounds and by holding Green Impact labs stands at the universities sustainability event in November. Not only does Dan support teams through phone calls he has also created their very own league table! This innovative approach has created a great competition between the teams to complete actions and this league table is sent to all teams in their internal Green Impact newsletter.
Students are also a big part of the programme with Green Impact programme assistants supporting teams. These students work alongside the teams as they have been recruited from lab based courses which gives the teams an expert helper but also provides the students with the opportunity to see how they can make working in labs more sustainable to take with them into their future careers!