We know students care about sustainability and in recent years there’s been a huge increase in public awareness about climate change and waste. Large scale systemic solutions to these issues are needed.
Recycling saves energy, reduces raw material extraction and combats climate change. Recycling is also an important part of the subliminal curriculum on university campuses, that is a visible sign of an organisation’s commitment to sustainability which in itself helps normalize sustainable behaviours by the people who use that campus. Recycling is part of the waste hierarchy – reduce, reuse, recycle, and we want to engage and excite people in innovative ways of increasing recycling, as part of their wider waste strategy.
So towards the end of 2019, we piloted RecycleLeague, based on the hugely successful Recyclemania in the USA. £1,800 funding was available for each university signed up to the programme, to help them engage students and staff with recycling and good waste management, and a mahoosive £15,000 prize for the overall winner.
You can find out more by viewing the FAQs here.
You can view the launch press release here.