Drink Rethink is a preventative approach which aims to reduce high-risk drinking behaviour among students by training student ambassadors to use a nationally recognised evidence-based behaviour change tool (Identification and Brief Advice - IBA) to deliver an alcohol intervention on campus.
Tier 1 Support Student ambassador recruitment material, 1 day ambassador training (or train the trainer), digital copies of leaflets and branding, access to raw data and telephone/email support.
Tier 2 support Student ambassador recruitment material, 1 day ambassador training (or train the trainer), digital copies of leaflets and branding, pre and post-surveying of student ambassadors, access to raw data, production of simple graphs for use in reports and telephone/email support
Tier 3 support Student ambassador recruitment material, 1 day ambassador training (or train the trainer), 1 day on site support of ambassadors in delivery of the programme, digital copies of leaflets and branding, pre and post-surveying of student ambassadors, access to raw data, production of a full final report and telephone/email support |
£1,215 +VAT |
£1,575 +VAT |
£2,150 +VAT
*Prices exclusive of travel expenses of the trainer
*Alcohol Impact partnerships receive a 10% discount