A support package for mapping the UN Sustainable Development Goals across the formal curriculum through a student-led audit.
The Sustainable Development Goals set out a framework for eliminating poverty, taking action on climate change, and creating a more just and sustainable future for all. They are a universal set of goals, targets, and indicators that UN member states are expected to use to frame their agendas and political policies from 2015-2030.
Universities, colleges, and students’ unions across the UK are increasingly examining how they might map their teaching and learning onto the SDGs. We know there is significant demand from students for greater inclusion of sustainability, in its broadest sense, in the formal curriculum.
In response to this institutional and student demand, the University of Winchester and NUS developed a training and support package for mapping the curriculum to the SDGs through a student-led audit.
• Developing skills for students;
• Linking the SDGs to other initiatives within the institution and/or students’ union;
• Engaging teaching staff; and
• Reporting on the SDGs.
There are three levels of support: minimal, medium, and full support, as outlined in the table below.
Stage |
Activity |
Minimal Support |
Medium Support |
Full Support |
Preparation |
Collection and preparation of data |
Institution |
Institution |
Institution |
Design of audit spreadsheet | SOS-UK | SOS-UK | SOS-UK | |
Preparation and customisation of training materials | SOS-UK | SOS-UK | SOS-UK | |
Recruitment of student auditors | Institution | SOS-UK | SOS-UK | |
Audit |
Training students |
Pre- and post-surveying of involved students to understand impact (optional) | SOS-UK | SOS-UK | SOS-UK | |
Ongoing support of students throughout audit | Institution | Institution | SOS-UK | |
Reporting |
Tidying up and sending across raw data |
Production of simple graphs for use in reports, slides, etc. | Institution | SOS-UK | SOS-UK | |
Production of full audit report |
Institution |
Institution |
Engagement |
Workshop with staff, senior leaders, etc. to explain rationale |
Institution |
Institution |
Workshop with staff, senior leaders, etc. to review results | Institution | Institution | SOS-UK | |
Cost |
£1,630 +VAT |
£2,200 +VAT |
£4,600 +VAT |
For more information about the SDG Curriculum Mapping Support Package, please contact Quinn Runkle, Director of Education on quinn.runkle@sos-uk.org.